You’ve got a question about life, love, the mysteries of the universe, or maybe an infographic, brand, or other project to work on? Reserve a time to speak with Hagan about whatever that may be here.
You’ve got some questions you need answering about your in-process docs; talk with Hagan about them for a few minutes by scheduling here.
So you’re thinking about getting a brand new, hard-working infographic résumé… Let’s talk! In this call, we’ll pinpoint exactly what you will achieve with your new résumé. You’ll get to ask questions about the content and the process and figure out what service level is the best fit for what you are trying to accomplish.
If you’ve selected our interview package to streamline the time it takes to get you going on a new infographic résumé. In this call, Our editor will have researched your résumé and LinkedIn profile to strip away the fluff and get to the essence of what makes you awesome. You’ll fill in some of the gaps in our research and probably save yourself about two hours in process time.
In this call, included in every Infographic Résumé package, we’ll go over your numbers to make sure we have the hardest-hitting, most important numbers for your career totals, individual contributions, and goals teams you’ve managed have achieved.
In this call, you’ll be available and nearby your computer and phone to help our administrator connect to your LinkedIn account so we can take care of all of the edits to your LinkedIn profile.
Congratulations on your new Infographic Résumé! In this call, we’ll go over your goals and talk about what to expect from the process.